========================== VIDEO BACCARAT FOR WINDOWS ========================== Copyright (c) 1995, All Rights Reserved Bitwise Software International, Inc. 21630 N. 19th Ave, #B-15 Phoenix, Arizona 85027 REQUIREMENTS: ============= Windows 3.1, windows compatible PC computer, windows compatible VGA display with 640x480 resolution or higher, 6 Meg RAM, 5 Meg free on hard disk. YOU MUST BE RUNNING WINDOWS IN 386 ENHANCED MODE. Do not start Windows with the /S or /R switches. See your Windows Manual for more information on startup memory modes. Recommended: ------------ Windows 3.1, windows compatible 386/486+ computer running at 25Mhz+, windows compatible SVGA display with 640x480 resolution or higher, 16+ colors, 8+ Meg RAM, 5+ Meg free on hard disk, Mouse. INSTALLATION: ============= To install this game from the distribution diskette, simply copy the file "BACCARAT.ZIP" to the desired directory ("\BACCARAT" suggested) on your hard disk and unzip the file with the latest version of PKUNZIP. Next, run the program called BACCLOAD.EXE. This is a self-installing packed file and running it will unpack and install all the needed files and programs. Once the self-install process is complete, the files BACCLOAD.EXE and BACCARAT.ZIP can be removed. However, you should always retain copies of these files on diskette or tape just in case you need to reinstall them in the future. If a message appears asking you whether or not you wish to replace an existing file in the BACCARAT directory, answer with a "Y". DO NOT USE OLD FILES WITH A NEW VERSION - FATAL ERRORS WILL RESULT. NOTE: After the installation process is complete, the install program will try to run the game program automatically. This should be successful providing the install process was completed and Windows could find a valid copy of the VBRUN300.DLL file in the BACCARAT directory or in the common WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory. To start the game manually, run the file BACCARAT.EXE from Windows File Manager or click on the BACCARAT icon installed into the GAMES Program Group (or the program group you selected). NOTE: Be sure you are running Windows Version 3.1 or higher and you are running Windows in "386 Enhanced Mode" (not Standard Mode). Check your \WINDOWS directory and see if you have a WIN.BAT file. Be sure the WIN.COM or WIN command in the batch file DOES NOT include the /S switch. This causes Windows to start in Standard Mode. Be sure the command is followed by blanks or /E to insure you start in Enhanced Mode. Otherwise, this game may not operate correctly. If you cannot see the 386 Enhanced Program Item (icon = computer chip) on the Windows Control Panel, then you are not running Windows in the Enhanced Mode. Please see your Windows Users Manual for more information. Also, once you are running Windows in 386 Enhanced Mode, you should set up as large a Permanent Swap File (not Temporary) as Windows will allow. This allows Windows to use free disk space as computer memory & it will allow you to run bigger programs. This is done from Windows Control Panel with the 386 Enhanced Icon. This program was written in Visual Basic V3.0 & REQUIRES the Visual Basic V3.0 Runtime Library file called VBRUN300.DLL (included). Be sure this file is located in the same directory where you loaded & unzipped BACCARAT.EXE. NOTE: Occasionally, Microsoft will release an updated VBRUN300.DLL file which will correct some bugs in their runtime modules. You should periodically compare the date/time/size of this file to the latest one available on CompuServe in the Microsoft MBASIC+ Forum. If a later one is released, please download it and place it in the BACCARAT directory. This game will use it automatically from then on. FILES: ====== FXTLS*.DLL - Special Effect Routines (Licensed). FXIMG*.VBX - Licensed VB Control. FXLBL*.VBX - Licensed VB Control. MKTOOLS.VBX - Licensed VB Control. THREED.VBX - Licensed VB Control. CSGROUP.VBX - Licensed VB Control. QPRO200.DLL - Special Effect Routines (Licensed). VBRUN300.DLL - Microsoft's Visual Basic Runtime Library (Licensed). BACCARAT.ZIP - Zipped version of self-installing distribution file. BACCLOAD.EXE - Self-installing packed distribution file. BACCARAT.EXE - Unpacked game program file. BACCARAT.HLP - Help File for this program (if available). BACCARAT.DEF - Game default settings file. BACCARAT.SAV - Saved Game(s). *.WAV - Various Windows sound files for this Game (if any). BASIC OPERATION: =============== This game program is a true windows application which can be run and controlled by you just like any other windows application. When first loaded, the game will display its opening window while it initializes itself. Next the Main Window will be displayed. When the game starts, it will load a file called "BACCARAT.DEF" as the default rules and other default settings. If it cannot find this file, it will use its own pre-programmed default settings. Game defaults are updated and stored automatically each time you change any of the many game playing features. Changes in features such as game speed, sound effects, bank balance, bet amount, or resource tracking causes the game defaults file to be updated and stored on your hard disk. This all happens automatically. When the Main Window is first displayed, you will notice several buttons at the bottom of the screen. Some of which will be disabled (grayed out) and some of which will be enabled. The other buttons will be enabled/disabled depending on what is happening during the game. QUICK ACTION KEYS: ================== Many of the buttons and menus in this game come with built in quick action keys. Quick action keys allow you to select a button or menu item without using the mouse. Any BUTTON you see with an underlined character can be activated by pressing the underlined character associated with that button. Example: if a button has the letter "B" underlined, you can quickly activate the button by pressing the letter "B" on your keyboard. MENU items have underlined characters too. They provide quick selection as well but use the ALT key on your keyboard. Example: if a menu item has the letter "F" underlined, then press and hold the ALT key and then press the F key. STATUS BAR AND MESSAGES: ======================== At the bottom left of the Main Window is a status bar (background is yellow). As the game is played, messages are displayed in this area and they help you understand what is happening during game play. They also provide you with information on what to do next. These messages normally change as buttons are pressed and the game is played. However, if you move the mouse over one of the Main Window's many buttons, the status bar's message will change to show you what the button's function is. When you remove the mouse cursor from the button, the game's next action to perform message will be redisplayed. CARD DECK STATUS MESSAGES: ========================== At the bottom right of the Main Window is a status bar (background is gray). As the game is played, messages are displayed in this area and they help you understand how many decks are in play, how many cards have been dealt, and the current shuffle point. When the Dealer is shuffling the deck, this status bar will show the number of decks in play. This game uses 8 decks. HOT SPOTS: ========== Hot spots are areas pre-defined on the Main Window which allow you to quickly access a desired feature. Hot spots offer quicker access to options and features than does the various buttons or menu items. For example, you normally change your bank balance by clicking on the Bank Button. However, there is a defined hot spot to let you change your bank. Just move the mouse over the bank balance on the Main Window and click the left mouse button. This performs the same function as clicking the Bank Button. When you move the mouse over a defined hot spot, the status bar's message (low left corner) will change to show you the hot spot's function. DEAL BUTTON: ============ Pressing this button causes the Dealer to deal the next hand or deal the next card, depending on the state of the game. You can also click on the card deck to perform the same function as this button. BANK BUTTON: =========== This button allows you to change your bank balance. Clicking this button causes the Set Bank Balance Window to appear where you can change your current bank balance. Note: selecting a new bank balance during a game will also set the default starting bank balance to the same amount. You can use the bank balance hot spot to perform the same function as clicking this button. Just move the mouse cursor over the bank balance shown on the Main Window and click the left mouse button. SPEED BUTTON: ============= This allows you to control how fast the game operates. The options are SLOW, MEDIUM, FAST, and VERY FAST. The type of computer and video card will determine how you wish the game speed to be set. Try the different settings to find the one that gives you the desired game speed. For increased card dealing and overall game speed, turn some or all of the sound effects off. Also, be sure you are running a disk cache program, such as SmartDrive, during all Windows sessions. All Windows programs, not just this one, will benefit from disk caching. Note: if you set the game speed to VERY FAST, the expanding windows special effect will be disabled (turned off). STATS BUTTON: ============= This button brings up the Game Stats Window which shows all the various totals and streaks the program tracks for you. You can reset the stats or print them at the start of any new hand. Whenever a new game is started, the stats are always cleared (reset). Restoring a saved game will also restore the stats for the saved game. RULES BUTTON: ============= This brings up the Rules Window where you can review or print the hand playing rules. All hand rules are fixed and cannot be deviated from (just like in Vegas). The Dealer (program) will monitor all play and insure all rules are followed correctly. The Payoff Rules Window can be displayed from the Hand Rules Window. It explains how winning and losing hands are determined and how they are paid. SHUFFLE BUTTON: =============== Shuffling is normally controlled by the Dealer & will automatically be done whenever the number of cards dealt exceed the shuffle point. Shuffles can only occur at the start of a new hand. Therefore, if the shuffle point is exceeded during a hand, a "shuffle pending" red box will appear on the Main Window. This tells you a shuffle will be done at the start of the next hand. The number of cards dealt and the shuffle point are shown on the Main Window in the bottom right hand corner. Pressing the Shuffle Button at the start of a new hand will cause the Dealer to shuffle the cards immediately. Pressing this button during a hand will cause the "shuffle pending" box to appear on the screen. The shuffle point is always set to be three-quarters of the deck. SOUND BUTTON: ============= This game comes with several built in sound effects. This button lets you access the Sound Control Window where you can control all sound effects and options. You are allowed to control whether any sound effects are to be active and if they are, which ones are to be enabled during game play. You have complete control over all sound effects and any changes you make will be stored as the game default. NOTE: you will need to have a Windows Compatible Sound Card installed in your computer. It must have the ability to play Windows "Wave" sound files. If you do not have one of these boards installed, turn all sound effects OFF! NOTE: sound effects are fun but do slow up game play. If you want maximum speed during play, turn all sound effects off. The default for this game is "all sounds off". If you turn on the sound and experience problems, turn all sounds off. If you cannot access the program to turn all sounds off, then exit the program and delete the defaults file (BACCARAT.DEF). This will cause the pre-programmed defaults to be used (with sound off) and you should be able to access the game once again. EXIT BUTTON: ============ This button allows you to quit playing and exit back to Window's Program Manager. Be sure to SAVE the game before exiting if you wish to resume it at a later time. Note: If you press the EXIT button by accident, you can cancel the request by pressing the CANCEL button on the "Are You Sure" (you wish to exit) Window. SAVING & USING DEFAULT SETTINGS: ================================ This game program allows you to customize various features such as sound, game speed, player bet, bank balance, etc.... When any of these settings are changed, the game automatically records them into a default settings file called BACCARAT.DEF. This allows the game to "remember" how you like to play. The next time you start this game from Window's Program Manager, the settings stored in this file will automatically be used. This eliminates the need to set up all the game settings "your way" each time you want to play. If the game cannot find this file, it will automatically revert back to the pre-programmed default settings and store them in this file. Note: in order for this game to locate and read this file automatically at startup, BACCARAT.DEF must reside in the same directory as the game program's main file BACCARAT.EXE. If the program cannot find this file, it will revert back to its "factory" settings and re-create this file in the program's startup directory on your hard disk. ERRORS AT STARTUP: ================== If you encounter either of the following two errors at startup: 1) "OVERFLOW" 2) "Invalid Control Index" then the startup program files (BACCARAT.DEF and/or BACCARAT.SAV) may be corrupted or may be the wrong version. Try renaming these files to something else and restarting the program. The game will then use its own internal game settings since it will not be able to find these files. You should first try renaming the BACCARAT.DEF and restarting the game. 99% of the time this file is causing the problem. If you still have problems after trying this procedure, please contact technical support. SAVING AND RESUMING A GAME: =========================== This game program allows you to save and restore MULTIPLE games. This should not be confused with the saving of default settings explained above. A game is saved to a file with the extension ".SAV". The default save file name is "BACCARAT.SAV" and this file is normally located in the same directory as the game program (BACCARAT.EXE). When saving and restoring games, you have the option to select the save file name and directory. NOTE: Even though you can specify a different directory other than the one containing BACCARAT.EXE, we do not recommend it. Keep all of this Game's related files in the same directory for easy backup or removal. To save a game, click on the FILE menu and select the SAVE option. At any time, you may resume a previously saved game by clicking on the FILE menu and selecting the RESUME GAME option. NOTE: game stats and defaults are saved and restored as well. CHANGING PLAYING OPTIONS: ========================= The game's menu system (located at the top of the Main Window) allows you to change the various features and controls that come with this game. Many of these same options can be accessed from the various buttons located at the bottom of the Main Window or by clicking on one of the hot spots provided. FILE MENU: ========== a) Save a game for later play (discussed above). b) Resume a previously saved game (discussed above). c) Exit the game (discussed above). OPTIONS MENU: ============= Change Game Speed: ------------------ This allows you to control how fast the game operates. The options are SLOW, MEDIUM, FAST, and VERY FAST. The type of computer and video card will determine how you wish the game speed to be set. Try the different settings to find the one that gives you the desired game speed. For increased card dealing and overall game speed, turn some or all of the sound effects off. Also, be sure you are running a disk cache program, such as SmartDrive, during all Windows sessions. All Windows programs, not just this one, will benefit from disk caching. Set Bank Balance: ----------------- This option allows you to select a new bank balance. The default is $500 and whatever bank balance you select with this option will become the default starting balance for all new games. You will need to select this option whenever your bank runs out of money. This option allows you to replenish the bank and continue to play. Set Card Back: -------------- This option allows you to select a new card back for the deck shown on the Main Window. There are several colorful card backs to choose from. When you select a new card back, it will automatically be saved as the default starting card back as well. STATS MENU OPTION: ================== This option allows you view, reset, and print the current game's statistics. A full range of game stats are maintained automatically by the program. Whenever a new game is started, the stats are cleared (reset). Restoring a saved game will also restore the stats for the saved game. RULES MENU OPTION: ================== This brings up the Rules Window where you can review or print the hand playing rules. All hand rules are fixed and cannot be deviated from (just like in Vegas). The Dealer (program) will monitor all play and insure all rules are followed correctly. The Payoff Rules Window can be displayed from the Hand Rules Window. It explains how winning and losing hands are determined and how they are paid. SOUND MENU OPTION: ================== This option will allows you to turn on and off Sound Effects. There are several sound effects included with this Game and they require a Windows compatible Sound Card. When the Game first starts, the default is for all sound effects to be OFF. If you encounter problems with the sound effects turned ON, use the SOUND Menu Option and turn the sound OFF. If you cannot access the Game after turning on sound effects, just delete the file BACCARAT.DEF from the \BACCARAT directory and restart the game. This will cause the game to use its own internal defaults which starts with Sound OFF. This should allow you access to the Game once again. Some Sound Cards and Drivers may not work properly with this program. If you experience problems, please contact technical support. RESOURCES MENU OPTION: ====================== Since not all accelerated video cards work properly while running graphic intensive programs, we have provided a built in Memory Resource Watcher. When activated, this sub-program will monitor your computer's free user memory and free graphics memory (GDI). If either of these falls below 10% free, the program will halt and let you exit gracefully. In this event, you should close all open Windows Applications and exit Windows completely. If Windows runs out of either of these two memory heaps, it will crash! "Properly behaving" accelerated video cards (and their associated software drivers) will allocate and release user and GDI memory correctly. The displayed free percentages will not keep dwindling down to 0 and as a result this feature will have to take control. However, many S3 video cards and drivers do not release GDI memory correctly and they cause the free memory to be eaten up as the program runs. Eventually, Windows will run out of memory and crash (hang). Our built in resource watcher will take control when the free memory falls below 10% and allow you to gracefully exit Windows before it hangs. Click this menu option to access the Resource Control Window. You can select to have the program monitor the free memory and take control in the event of a problem. We recommend always having this option active! In addition, you can have the program monitor and DISPLAY the free memory on the Main Window. Turn on the Display Option and return back to the Main Window. The free User and GDI memory heaps will be shown as percentages in the Menu area. To access the Resource Control Window again, just click on either of the percentages shown. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTES ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1/15/95 KNOWN PROBLEMS: =============== S3 Video Drivers: ----------------- Microsoft Visual Basic Versions 2.0 and 3.0 are not fully compatible with certain third party S3 Video Drivers (Windows Video Drivers for the S3 Graphics Chip soldered onto your accelerated video card). You may experience "out of memory or resources" problems, "Object Was Unloaded" problems, as well as other unexpected application errors while using ANY Graphic Intensive Visual Basic program with these type of S3 video drivers. These problems are NOT under the control of our program, Visual Basic, or Windows. ONLY the video driver Company can correct the problem. Please contact your video driver Company to get the latest copy of their Windows video drivers. Most Companies will update their drivers every few months to fix bugs and add enhancements. If you use the super or regular VGA Video Drivers supplied with Windows 3.1, these types of problems will most likely go away. To test your driver, install one of Microsoft's standard VGA Drivers that comes with Windows and see if your problem(s) go away. If so, then the other Company's Video Driver is the problem. Contact the driver Company and report the problem. Tell them you tested it against Microsoft's standard VGA Windows driver and it has to be their driver (since the problem went away). ======================================= POSSIBLE "OUT OF MEMORY" ERROR SOLUTION ======================================= In the January 24, 1994 issue of Info World, Brian Livingston has written in his weekly Windows column on a cure for what he calls "the most important cause of Windows instability." The instability is reflected in messages such as "Out of memory", "This application has violated system integrity", or "Application error" which happen even when plenty of memory and resources are available. It occurred to me that this may be related to some of the random problems that users are experiencing with WPWin 6.0, so I am summarizing his column here. The solution to the problem is to insert a single line into the [386 Enhanced] section of your SYSTEM.INI file, reading: MaxBPs=768 "MaxBPs" is an abbreviation for "maximum breakpoints." Breakpoints are small pieces of memory, about 10 bytes each, that Windows uses to save the state of a "virtual machine" (VM). All Windows applications run in a single VM, and each DOS session runs in its own VM. Windows applications may also create additional VMs for various reasons. Normally, Windows allocates 4K of RAM for breakpoints, which means that 358 breakpoints are set up when it starts. Windows immediately uses about 200 of these, leaving about 158 remaining. It is possible that in a long Windows sessions these could get used up, causing the strange errors described above. Setting MaxBPs to any number from 359 to 768 uses an additional 4K of RAM. The number could be set higher (up to 1,177) at the cost of yet another 4K. COPYRIGHT INFORMATION: ====================== This Windows game is protected by the copyright laws of the United States and by the copyright laws of many other countries pursuant to international treaties. Copyright (c) 1995, All Rights Reserved, Bitwise Software International, Inc., Phoenix, AZ, USA. No portion of the Software, documentation or examples may be copied, stored, or transmitted except as provided for by the License. Other brand and product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders. TRADE MARK INFORMATION: ======================= This game's trade marked name is held by Bitwise Software International, Inc. under the approval of Jay J. Falconer of Phoenix Arizona (the program's Author).